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Dave Elman Induction Centennial
9 hours
- Careers & Achievements of Dave Elman
- Dave Elman Philosophy then & now
- Intro to Clinical Procedures: Smoking, Pain, PTSD
- DEI Group Hypnosis with Demonstration
- Translating DEI
- Regress to Cause & Hypnotherapy Methods
- Hypnosis Attached to Sleep
- Dental Hypnosis
- Self-Hypnosis
- DEI old & New
- Stage Hypnosis Comparisons
- Waking Hypnosis
- Emergency and Medical Hypnosis
- Esdaile State
- Group Esdaile Discussion and Demo and much more.
Spanish first word, articulation cards created by a CCC-SLP!
Up for sale are over 80 cards in mostly CVC & CVCV Format. I threw in a couple blends for good measure.
I have used these cards in my practice for children with receptive disorders, expressive disorders, Apraxia, and severe articulation disorders.
Most of the words are first and/or common words.  Significant amounts of research has been conducted and the words have been vetted as appropriate targets (words Spanish native speakers uses daily) from Spanish speakers raised everywhere from lower California, all over Texas,  Mexico City, Matamoros, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.   These individuals ranged in profession from Homemaker, Teacher, Nurse, Therapy Assistants, and other Speech Language Pathologists.
I developed these cards to aid one child with significant lingual movement deficits, but have found multiple uses for them in my practice. I'm sure you will too. I found that my Spanish speaking children were having difficulty as all the cards I found that were published either used words that were very long (multi syllabic) and/or they were words my kids were not familiar with. For these reasons, I worked hard to find appropriate words that were easy to say but also had meaning. This project has taken years in the making and has had countless hours spent in review. It's been a labor of love and I can honestly say that I am proud of the end result of these cards as well as the significant progress my kids have made using these cards.
Pictures range from single drawings in the lower levels to more complex in higher levels.
Cards are laminated with heavy duty lamination for easy infection control purposes. It also makes the cards very difficult to destroy during sessions.
I designed them to fit perfectly in little hands and all the corners are rounded to avoid any accidents. I hand these to my little ones without worries of sharp corners or injury.
I will be happy to mail these out right away.
appreciate you taking the time to consider them for helping your little ones as well.
lease feel free to ask me any questions.