12 issues of Rockhound Magazine. Complete years from 1976 and 1977. All are in good condition with no pages missing. Interesting articles from the past, old field trips, some that may be good today.
This guide specializes in Pegmatite Deposits.. especially Prospects where economic minerals have been found but not developed..many of these deposits have not been explored thoroughly..and a number of other locations for collecting minerals....Title: Maine Pegmatite Mines and Prospects and Associated Minerals, Mineral Resources Index No. 1, Maine Geological Survey, Clean yellow paper cover, 11 x8 1/2 inches, 43 pages. this is the best guide to collecting tourmaline, aquamarine or any other gems , crystals and minerals that maybe found in the pegmatites of
Western Maine. Maine has a "Open Woods " policy which means that any land which is not marked " No Trespassing" is open for a person to go onto..many of the locations in the guide are open in this way to collect, The Maine Feldspar Quarry, Hatch Quarry, like most of the Mt Apatite Quarries are open to visitors all year round. This guide has many wonderful collecting locations I have been to and successfully collected nice specimens, and still do visit some of these locations regularly..Good Quality Topographical maps and lists of mines and quarries in Maine for collecting pegmatite gems and minerals, over 184 locations listed. Many Locations like some Mt. Apatite Quarries are very easy to get to and collect. Mt. Apatite is primarily owned by the City of Auburn and is open all the time to collecting and does not charge a fee!,some locations are
requiring a fee..check with the National Forest Service for Deer Hill Amethyst. Numerous Tourmaline- Elbaite and Aquamarine, Lepidolite, Quartz Crystal locations abound with many wonderful places to collect,
This reprint is done with high quality printed topographical maps, the quality of the reprint is equal or better than the original printing of the Guide by the State of Maine, to provide the collector with a long lasting guide.. with the locations of the mines shown and numbered on the maps, other indexes list the mines and the minerals and gems that are found at those mines..the picture may not come through well. Item is in mint condition., COME SEE BELIEVE, the Earth abounds with treasure !!. Any questions will be answered promptly.